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Web3Social Key

spots available200 spots

200 winners

Starts on:

Oct 28, 2022 07:00 AM (UTC)

Mint date: Dec 28, 2022

Mint price: 0.5 ETH


Web3Social Key is a No-Code Social Token Launchpad. By using your Web3Social Key powered by TSA Incubator, you can unlock features like launching your own social token, starting community funding and fansumers economy, and more. Total 2100 keys will be opening to the market.


There are two tiers within Web3Social Key, standard and premium.


Learn more about different features:





100 users who hold at least one NFT from TSA IRO NFT offerings can access to all standard features free for one year.   



100 users who hold both TSAWeb3 Dictionary Album/ TSA Magic Box and TSA PenguinPunks NFT can access to all premium features free for life.


Mining Schedule:


Allowlist November 29th at 13:30 PM PST:


100 Allowlist's users can Mint Web3Social Key (standard features) for free (limited to TSA Community & Collaborators)


Public December 28th at 13:30 PM PST:


Web3Social Key Price: 0.5 ETH

Mint date is TBD


After minting, you get access to all standard features of Web3Social Key. However, you still need to hold both TSAWeb3 Dictionary Album/TSA Magic Box and TSA PenguinPunks NFT for premium features.


Note: Allowlist uers will receive an opening gift from TSANFT.

Register for Web3Social Key

Complete the following requirements to register.


  • Follow @ArtTeaswap. (This will be done automatically upon registering if you have not already done so.)
  • Like & Retweet ArtTeaswap's tweet. (This will be done automatically upon registering if you have not already done so.)



Provide your email address

  • The collection creator will send you updates via email
  • will send you registration confirmation via email

✨ Frequently Asked Questions ✨

Thank you so much for using HeyMint! If you have any questions or feedback, let us know from Twitter (@heymintxyz) or email us at [email protected]!