Launch an NFT collection without paying for dev: Launchpad is 100% free for our earliest users 🎉 Try Launchpad

Create a new allowlist

The information you provide below will publicly display on this allowlist's page. To see an example, check out this page. You will be able to view yours in the next step!

Basic information

The following will be the url for your allowlist page.

Enter a YouTube or Vimeo URL to display a video above your project's description.

This image will also be used as profile image on your allowlist page. 350 x 350 recommended.

This image will appear at the top of your allowlist page on desktop devices. 1400 x 400 px recommended.

This image will appear at the top of your allowlist page on mobile devices. 350 x 200 px recommended.


This event will be triggered when someone successfully registers for the allowlist.

Mint details

Optional information to help your users prepare for mint


Even if you choose to only display the date, filling in the approximate time you plan to mint is still important so we can display accurate dates to users in other timezones.

Display a dropdown on your public allowlist page that allows users to effortlessly add your mint date to their calendar.
