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Meta Drip - Whitelist Registration

Starts on:

Nov 8, 2022 12:00 PM (UTC)

Mint date: Feb 2, 2023

Mint price: 245 POL


MetaDrip is XR Couture's most ambitious multi-utility Digital Fashion NFT project. The 12-look digital wearables collection created by our cutting-edge 3D artists was successfully launched at Decentraland's inaugural Metaverse Fashion Week and was featured in the Wall Street Journal and Vogue Business.


The NFT holders will get access to these metaverse wearables in future metaverses as airdrops or linked wearables. XR Couture's MetaDrip outfits are currently available on Decentraland, Snapchat, and more to come. Other utilities include: Virtual fitting, 3D-file download, and you can even use them on video call applications such as Zoom.


Holder's Benefits:


Metaverse Wearable Ready: We bring Fashion Interoperability Across Metaverse platforms such as Decentraland, Sandbox, Somnium Space, and many more to come.


AR Filter: Use your Meta Drip outfit as an AR Filter. Wear it in your photos, videos, and even live video conferences.


Virtual Fitting: A custom Virtual Fitting on a photo to flaunt on your social media platforms.


Great art: We all Love art! Amazing high-quality rendered animation and images. Use as PFPs or Artwork display.

Register for Meta Drip - Whitelist Registration

Complete the following requirements to register.


  • Follow @XRCouture. (This will be done automatically upon registering if you have not already done so.)
  • Like & Retweet XRCouture's tweet. (This will be done automatically upon registering if you have not already done so.)



Provide your email address

  • The collection creator will send you updates via email
  • will send you registration confirmation via email

Answer question

These questions are specific to this project and were specified by the project owner. Answers with a red asterisk next to them are required.

✨ Frequently Asked Questions ✨

Thank you so much for using HeyMint! If you have any questions or feedback, let us know from Twitter (@heymintxyz) or email us at [email protected]!