A Beginner’s Guide to Starting an NFT Collection on Popular Platforms

By Brad Jaeger  - Director of Content
6 Min Read

The world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has taken the art, gaming, and collectibles industries by storm. As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to navigate this rapidly evolving space, but with the right guidance, you can start building your own NFT collection with confidence. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of NFTs and how to start an NFT collection on popular platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation.

Understanding NFTs and Their Value

NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item, such as digital artwork, virtual real estate, or in-game items. Each NFT is stored on a blockchain, providing a transparent and secure record of ownership that can be easily verified. This makes NFTs particularly valuable for collectors, as they can prove the authenticity and rarity of their digital assets.

Setting Up a Digital Wallet

Before you can start collecting NFTs, you’ll need a digital wallet to store your assets and interact with NFT platforms. MetaMask is a popular choice, as it’s a browser extension that allows you to manage your Ethereum-based assets directly from your browser. To set up MetaMask, follow these steps:

  1. Install the MetaMask browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Brave.
  2. Create a new wallet by following the on-screen prompts.
  3. Securely store your seed phrase, which is used to recover your wallet if needed.
  4. Fund your wallet with Ether (ETH), the cryptocurrency used to buy NFTs on most platforms.

Exploring NFT Platforms

There are several NFT platforms where you can buy, sell, and trade NFTs. Some of the most popular options include OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. Each platform has its unique features and focus, so it’s a good idea to explore several options to find the one that best suits your interests and collecting goals.


OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace, featuring a wide variety of digital assets from various categories, such as art, collectibles, virtual worlds, and more. To start collecting NFTs on OpenSea:

  1. Visit the OpenSea website and connect your MetaMask wallet.
  2. Browse the available NFTs by category or search for specific items.
  3. Click on an NFT to view its details, such as its rarity, creator, and ownership history.
  4. Place a bid or buy the NFT using ETH from your connected wallet.


Rarible is a user-friendly platform that focuses on art and collectibles. It also allows users to create their own NFTs, making it a popular choice for artists and creators. To start collecting NFTs on Rarible:

  1. Visit the Rarible website and connect your MetaMask wallet.
  2. Browse the available NFTs by category or search for specific items.
  3. Click on an NFT to view its details and current price.
  4. Place a bid or buy the NFT using ETH from your connected wallet.


Foundation is a curated NFT marketplace that features works from a select group of artists. This platform is ideal for collectors looking for high-quality and unique digital art. To start collecting NFTs on Foundation:

  1. Visit the Foundation website and connect your MetaMask wallet.
  2. Browse the available NFTs by category or featured artist.
  3. Click on an NFT to view its details, such as the creator’s profile and auction history.
  4. Place a bid or buy the NFT using ETH from your connected wallet.

Tips for Building Your NFT Collection

Building a valuable NFT collection takes time and effort. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Research: Learn about the artists, creators, and projects behind the NFTs you’re interested in. Understanding the context and story behind an NFT can help you make more informed decisions when building your collection.
  2. Diversify: Just like any other investment, it’s essential to diversify your NFT collection. Consider collecting NFTs from different categories, such as art, gaming, and virtual worlds, to spread risk and potentially increase the value of your collection over time.
  3. Network: Engage with the NFT community by joining online forums, attending virtual events, and following artists and collectors on social media. Networking can help you stay informed about market trends, discover new artists, and even find exclusive NFT drops.
  4. Track Your Investments: Keep track of your NFT purchases, including the price you paid, the platform fees, and any additional costs. This will help you monitor the performance of your collection and make more informed decisions when buying or selling NFTs.
  5. Stay Informed: The NFT market is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest trends, developments, and news. Follow industry blogs, podcasts, and news outlets to ensure you’re always in the loop.


Starting an NFT collection is an exciting journey that can lead to valuable digital assets and connections within the growing NFT community. By understanding the basics of NFTs, setting up a digital wallet, and exploring popular platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation, you’ll be well on your way to building a diverse and valuable collection. Remember to research, diversify, network, and stay informed to make the most of your NFT collecting experience.

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By Brad Jaeger Director of Content
Director of Content. Encouraging everyone to join web3. Father, husband, dad joke teller. 333🦉 bradjaeger.eth.