HeyMint Launches an Exclusive NFT Founders’ Community – Join the A-Players

3 Min Read

Being an NFT project founder is often a solo quest in uncharted territory, where finding reliable information or trusted partners is like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. 

And with the NFT landscape changing faster than the latest meme trends – think vanishing royalties and all – it’s a rollercoaster, to say the least.

But what if you didn’t have to tread alone? As the Curious Addys NFT project creators, we’ve been there – the highs, lows, and everything in between.

Now, we’re creating a community that goes beyond tech support to make the entire NFT journey more enjoyable and meaningful. And you’re invited to the party!

What’s the Deal with Our Community?‍

Imagine a cozy spot where you can kick back, share a virtual coffee, and chat with people who actually get what you’re going through. We’re all about good vibes and genuine support. 

We’re handpicking founders thrilled about NFTs and ready to lend a hand and spread cheer. Think of it as creating the ultimate hangout for NFT enthusiasts.
A space to learn from experienced creators eager to share their wisdom. That’s exactly what we’re building – a community that’s all about connecting, sharing, and growing together. 🚀

What can I expect?

  • Limitless learning. Our community is your personal NFT academy. Fast-track learning the ropes, absorb the latest industry insights and news. Turbocharge your NFT knowledge, embracing expert shortcuts to success.
  • Collaborative power. HeyMint is more than a platform; it’s a collaborative force. Connect with like-minded NFT enthusiasts, artists, and founders. Forge relationships, spark collaborations, gain visibility, and elevate your NFT game.
  • Direct influence. Your insights are the North Star guiding HeyMint’s roadmap. Have your say in product discussions, provide feedback, and witness your suggestions come to life.
  • Stellar support. Feeling stuck? Reach out to our dedicated Customer Success channel, and have all your Q’s answered and issues resolved at warp speed by our friendliest team ever! 
  • Exclusive access. As a member, you’re the first to know about beta features, early releases, and cosmic events like airdrops, freemints, and contests – ensuring you’re always ahead in the NFT game.

Why an Application?

We’re all about good vibes and genuine support. So, we’re handpicking founders who are not only passionate about pushing the NFT envelope but are also cool with lending a hand and spreading some cheer in our community. Think of it as creating the best hangout spot for NFT enthusiasts.

How Can I Apply?

Ready to dive in? Hit the button below, share your story, and join our growing NFT family. Let’s make your NFT journey as epic as it deserves to be.

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CEO/co-founder of HeyMint